A successful SCI One year on Event
The full programme can be found here.
Morning workshop
In the morning a workshop open to companies gathered almost 80 participants.
Five speakers took part in the panel:
· Tomas Martoch, GS1 ECR coordinator, Czech Republic
· Ignacio García Magarzo, Managing Director, ASEDAS, Spain
· Piet Vanthemsche, President of Boerenbond, Belgium
· Paula Paloranta, Secretary General of the Board of Trading Practices in the Food Supply Chain, Finland
· Andrew Breakwell, SAI Global: demo on the e-learning
You may find the presentations of the speakers here. Else Groen, co-Chair of the SCI Governance Group (retail sector) did the moderation of the debate.
Afternoon policy session
In the afternoon, the 1st Annual Report of the SCI was officially released. The Report provides a comprehensive overview of what it has achieved in its first year of operations. It includes the results of an independent survey that gives added insight into the functioning of the SCI.You may read it here and download it here.
The event gathered around 150 participants. The panel included:
- Anna Maria Corazza Bildt MEP
- Pierre Delsaux, Deputy Director General of DG GROWTH
- Frans Egberts, Managing Director, Henri Van De Bilt VL: his presentation can be downloaded here
- Michael Wiedmann, Group Director, Group compliance, METRO GROUP: his speech can be downloaded here
A recorded presentation from Torben Emborg, CEO of Nestlé Czech Republic, was also displayed. You may view it here.
Roxane Feller, co-Chair of the Governance Group of the SCI (manufacturer side) moderated the debate and presented the report. You may find her presentation here.