PRESS RELEASE - Supply Chain Initiative adopts a recommendation for Good Practice on handling confidentiality
The Supply Chain Initiative (SCI) clarifies good practice in applying the SCI principles of fair dealing, information, confidentiality, and justifiable request.
09 January 2018, Brussels - The Governance Group of the Supply Chain Initiative (SCI) adopted and published a recommendation for good practice in relation to the principles of fair dealing, information, confidentiality and justifiable request in the context of a new branded product introduction, launch or renovation.
Businesses that register with the SCI commit to the principles of good practice in vertical relationships in the food supply chain. The recommendation has been developed to draw attention to the importance of respecting these principles and to provide further guidance on their practical application.
The document addresses the topics of information exchange, timing, and confidentiality for new branded product introduction, launch or renovation. It also provides guidance on how the SCI can support communication and training on the principles and refers to the SCI dispute resolution mechanism. The latter has recently been reinforced with the appointment of the independent Chair of the Supply Chain Initiative, Michael Hutchings.
“Since its launch in 2013, the SCI has attracted over 1,160 national operating companies, nearly 70% of which are SMEs, to sign up to the Principles of Good Practice and SCI commitments. This new clarification on how best to apply a number of principles when handling confidential information is a useful addition to the core principles adopted six years ago. It should help the parties involved in listing negotiations regarding new branded products. “says Mr Hutchings.
For more information contact:
Fabienne Eckert
SCI Project Manager
E-mail : info@supplychaininitiative.eu
Tel : +32 474 07 87 09
Note to the Editors:
The Supply Chain Initiative was launched in September 2013 by a group of EU-level associations representing today the food and drink industry (FoodDrinkEurope), the branded goods manufacturers (AIM- European Brands Association), the retail sector (EuroCommerce, the European Retail Round Table-ERRT, and Independent Retail Europe), and agricultural traders (CELCAA).
The SCI aims to implement and enforce a set of good practice principles agreed by 11 EU-level organisations, including Copa-Cogeca. Companies subscribe on a voluntary basis to the principle of good practice and a set of commitments to ensure fair treatment of all partners in the food supply chain. The SCI is designed to ensure that registered companies respect their commitments towards other market operators and benefit from a set of dispute resolutions options.